Hey!! Ryelee here 🙂 I started Narrow Road with a passion to create clothing with a purpose; with faith magnifying designs to bring joy to you, and people around you!! 😄

How did you get started as a clothing designer?

Ok I’m gonna try and keep this short as possible 😂 It was one evening of early spring 2021, and I starting sketching… I made a little sketch of a half moon half sun and wrote “be the moon, reflect the SON” and I thought to myself, that would be a cool t-shirt!! So the next day we were on the road to pick up a part for an old vehicle we’re building, on the car ride back, being bored I started playing with some designs and next thing you know I got 15 designs made😂. With lots and lots of research for the best kind of printing and a like-minded company, I finally came across one just as I was about to give up!! Every since I was younger I thought it would be cool to create tees that people can wear to make a difference, I just never knew it would be this early in my life 🥰!!


What are your influences in the fashion industry?

Well, influenced by the Bible with conviction by the Holy Spirit 😄. But actual companies, I’d have to say Kerusso was one I always loved growing up!!


Can you describe your design philosophy?

To create clothing that makes our statement of faith, what if we can make people around us happy?! What if what we wear defines us and the spirit around us?!


What are some of the challenges you face as a Christian clothing designer?

It was definitely in the beginning with finding a like-minded company to print the tees. But also trying to be in a business where there are a lot of other talented people out there as well can be a challenge to grow, but I know God will take it where He wants it 🙂


Follow Rylee on Social Media and check out her website below!

“What If What We Wear Defines Us And The Spirit Around Us?!”


What role does faith play in your clothing designs?

I grew up in a Christian home, and being younger sitting in church I knew one day I was going to create something that would change the world. I always wanted something that people can see and it makes there day, or makes them think, like “taking the road less traveled will make all the difference”. Or something that people can wear as a statement of faith, like our “Not Conformed #Romans21:2). I want to stand by the truth, and not be ashamed of it, and I hope fellow believers feel the same ❤️


What advice would you give to other aspiring Christian clothing designers?

Just when you think you should give up, just when you think that maybe your just a sardine in the sea, just when you think your designs may not be good enough, THATS when you gotta bring out your faith, when you got to trust that if this is what God is calling you to do, He’s gonna help you make it happen :). And don’t be afraid that your designs might offend people, remember: the world hates His disciples!!
